Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That Time Of Year

Autumn is most definitely my favorite season!!

I LOVE everything about the fall!! I love the smells (cider, cinnamon, leaves, pumpkin), the crisp cool air, coming home after a long day in work clothes and putting on sweats and a hoodie and best of all the beautiful changing leaves and colors!! Nothing better!!
When I was up in Washington, we had a few different people ask us where we were from. We of course told them the great state of UTAH and a few of them had some cool things to say about our state. Well mostly about our mountains. Two of them talked about times when they had visited or passed through the state and how amazing and close the Wasatch mountains were! I, surrounded by new scenery, told him that his state was SO beautiful thought with all their amazing green-ness, water and pretty views. His response was something like, "well, yeah, that's true but I see it every day. You guys get to see the amazing colors on your mountains when the leaves change in the fall."

Was he not right??? All 5 of the pictures above were taken someone in the mountains of Utah! I particularly like the last one..... fall colors in the front..... snow on the mountain in the back! Haha, classic Utah weather (much like today).

Anyway, it just got me thinking.... just about how I probably take our pretty mountains and the changing colors and season for granted!! I LOVE going to new places and seeing new scenery, but I had never thought about the fact that people who don't live here love what we have, especially this time of year!! It has been interesting driving to and from work everyday this week! I have been more aware of the mountains, and how huge and pretty they really are, even if they are covered in snow and it's still only September!!

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