Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One Whole Year

Well, technically the it was yesterday, but yesterday was, well... we wont even talk about it! So I am "celebrating" today! A year ago today my friend Nicole convinced me I needed to start a blog so we could keep in touch while she was in Germany. I was SO confused when I first started and it's kind of funny to go back and read how frustrated I was that I couldn't get the stupid cutestblogontheblock to work for me!! I eventually got that figured out and now a year later I am confused about how to get cool fonts and signatures on your blog. Maybe one day I will figure that out!!
I still need to blog about graduation (I'm horrible, I know) and my new car! But, the pictures of both are on another computer and it might be a few days before I can get them off. So, instead I thought I would just do a short update (my life if really that lame that I can pretty much sum it up in a line or two) as well as some observations.

So to start with: updates. I have a new position at work. I guess I have been doing it since the end of May, but it feels more official now. I am working towards becoming a loan officer and now work in our Indirect Lending department. I approve/deny loans all day, go through packets, fund and talk to dealers. Yep, it's that exciting!! Haha!!
And that is pretty much it for updates (told you it would be short)

Onto observations. Okay, so seriously it is JULY and there is already Christmas stuff out at Hobby Lobby! I think that is pretty insane!!! And it's not just one isle, oh no, it's a whole section. And of course if there is Christmas stuff out, so is the Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff. Wow, is summer already that close to being over???
I guess it must be because the stores all have their back-to-school stuff out too. Crazy!! Every time I walk past that section in any store I think "HOORAY I don't have to get any of that this year"!!
But there is a part of me that wants to go over and just buy the crayons and markers!! I love that kind of stuff!!

Another, very random observation....... synchronized swimming is crazy stuff!! I couldn't sleep one night and was flipping through the channels and saw a competitions going on. That stuff seriously is not for sissy's!! I have NO IDEA how that can keep themselves vertical in the water, while doing the slips, at the exact same angel! I ended up watching the rest of the competition because I was so intrigued (Russia won, just as an FYI) :0)

I also have a Walmart story for you. I know that there are probably some of you out there that are gasping in disgust that I shop at Wally-World but I am POOR my friends!! If I can save .6 on shampoo then I'm gonna save my .6 gosh dang it! Haha! Anyway, I was checking out and using my debt card and had to sign the pad thing. Well the pen was freaking out and making lines without me even moving the pen. I told the checker outer lady and she said "oh, it doesn't matter what your signature looks like on there." In my head I'm thinking "IDENTITY THEFT, IDENTITY THEFT." Jeez!! What if I wasn't really Amanda M and I was using her card to buy beads and mineral veil and finger nail polish........ I totally would have gotten away with it!! To me it seems like this happens WAY to often!! They should be required to ask for ID verification!!
And as I was leaving Walmart, I saw this lady, totally walking away from her child, who just happened to be throwing big old rocks, in the parking lot around the cars!! She was half way up the isle before she even tried to get his attention. Sheesh!! What a trip to the store it was!!

Well, that is about it for my BLoGovErSaRY CeLEbRaTiON!!! Pictures and more exciting blogs to come!! :0)


Amanda and Chad said...

I love your "amanda" thing at the end! I want to steal it since we have the same cool name and all. I'm glad you have a blog- I love reading your posts. I shop at WalMart too because I have no choice it's the only place around but I probably would anyways because it's cheaper-and everytime I go there I have a new story. Congrats on your new position at work, graduating and your new car- You are a success!!

Rachel and Kevin West said...

You are so funny! I loved your wal-mart story. I have been a victim of identity theft!