So I keep going back and forth on whether or not to post a blog about this or not. But I figure I will probably do better if I do!! So here it goes.......
I'm tired of being fat!! So I am finally doing something about it. That is not to say that I have not tried before. I am really good at starting out and being good for a few days, and then I loose my motivation and things go back to the way they always are. I get frustrated really easily and rather than sticking with it, I give up.
Not this time!! This time will be different! I am on a quest to be my own Biggest Loser!!
A few weeks ago at work, we had an in-service about goals. They gave us lots of statistics about how often people keep their New Year resolutions (it's not often by the way) and how men and women differ in goal keeping. They said women are 10% more likely to accomplish their goals if they tell someone.
So I have a plan! I have written out all of my goals and how I want to achieve them. I also have a contract with a great friend, so I am accountable to her for what I eat and the exercise I do. And now I have told you. So, who ever you are, I am now accountable to you!! I want to loose weight and have a happier, healthier life. I am going to be strong this time. I know that I will get frustrated and I know that some weeks will be harder than others. But I am sticking to it!!
6 years ago
Yay! Good job! I am always here to listen :)
GO YOU!! I agree, I think putting your goals out there for everyone to know really helps to accomplish them.
The "losing weight" goal is such a hard one, but I have learned even if I don't lose the weight I want to as long as I am eating healthier and exercising then I feel so much better!
Good luck!! Keep posting on how it's going. Are you doing a certain diet or excersize program?
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