Friday, December 26, 2008

Snowed In

So, I don't know about everyone else and where you are at this moment, but here is West Jordan we are getting major snow!! It just keeps coming down! And it's not little, light flurries, its the big snow flakes that stick and pile up! My poor dad has been out shoveling snow all morning long and as soon as he gets some drive ways cleared, the snow starts back up! We probably have between 12 to 15 inches in our yard right now! Whoa!! And if it hadn't rained yesterday we would probably have a lot more!
In our front yard, we have a green electricity box that is probably about three feet tall. Here is a picture of it, getting close be being buried in the snow!

My dad had to clear a path from our back porch to the shed with the snow blower because it was to heavy to do it with a shovel!

Also, I cant believe that another Christmas has come and gone. I am not ready to take the trees down (especially my awesome Twilight tree at work, pictured below), to put away the decorations and turn off the music! It didn't matter that I started listening to Christmas music in October, it still flew by!! With school and work there just wasn't a lot of time of focus on it! I am really hoping that next year, with school out of the way, I will be able to enjoy it! That is not to say that this Christmas wasn't a good one, because it was! I asked for a yellow, iPod nano and I was excited to find one under the tree!! Along with a bunch of new movies, some gift cards, a piano book and a cute new Willow Tree angel! I was also super excited about our new Nintendo Wii!! I kept telling my parents that we really should get one, but I never thought they would!! We played Wii sports, and took my sister down in boxing, but was defeated by my mom! We also played Smash Brothers, which was interesting because none of us really know how to work the controllers so we were just moving our hands all over the place and pushing buttons!! Very fun!! :0) We also go to talk to my brother the other day, who is on his mission in South Korea. It sounds like he is doing a really great job and it is crazy to think that he will be coming home in about 4 months! Wow, time goes by so fast!! While we were on the phone with him, he told us that he had convinced his mission president to let their zone watch Home Alone, one of his favorite movies!! So that night (Christmas Eve for us) as I was wrapping presents, I watched that movie too! I had forgotten how hilarious that movie is!! And then yesterday I watched Home Alone 2 and was again rolling with laughter!! So it was a good Christmas, it just came to fast!! And I cant believe that we are only a week away from 2009!! I better start coming up with some resolutions!!


Dani said...

oh man girl!! we got 2 feet in west jordan! TWO FEET!!!!!! it's ridic. i was 30 minutes late to work this morning b/c it took my dad and i 30 minutes to dig my car out of the snow. it got stuck in our circle... :o( it's too much snow if you ask me. lol my dad was also snowblowing lots of snow. poor guy. i think he likes it tho...weird.

i'm kinda glad christmas is over. is that sad or what?? i usually love christmas but this year it felt like a chore. :o( i'm sad about it. hopefully next year will be better.

glad you got an iPod! it was necessary. i LOVE mine. :o) my dad got my mom one this year lol it's purple.

Amanda and Chad said...

That snow was insane! We were at my parents house and I wanted to cry so bad when it just kept snowing and wouldn't stop. Cool pictures you got of it! Glad you had a good Christmas! And I laughed so hard when you wrote on my blog about the socks with sandels because Sara still makes fun of him to this day about it!! Ha ha.. Good times!