Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Things I Should Have Blogged About Awhile Ago.... And A Few New Things Too

Jeez I am lame!! When I first started this blogging this I was really good about getting one and posting any time something fun, crazy, boring, wild and interesting happened. I was also really good about keeping up on all of my wonderful friends blogs and commenting on every one of their posts. I honestly don't know what my problem is now!! I am horrible about keeping up on my own blog, let along other people's!! I am so so sooooo sorry people!!! So I am really going to try and be better, because now that I am done with school, I really don't have any excuse!!

First I want to so THANK YOU to everyone for commenting on my last post about my crazy lung stuff!! You are awesome!! I still haven't gone in for my CT scan so I don't have much of any update there. When I got sick, I was still on my parents insurance, and the test was going to cost almost $800.00. Because I am now working full time I have my own insurance (which didn't take effect until June 1st) and with my insurance it was only going to cost about $75.00. So I have been waiting for that whole situation to get figured out before I go. Also, if any one has insurance that deals with IHC and they have a good doctor they would recommend, I would love to hear about it!!

Second, I FINALLY graduated from the University of Utah!! Wahoo!! It only took me six long years!! Jeez!! I have a lot of picture and some fun stories, so I will leave all of that for another post! Along with school, my preschool internship is over! I honestly never thought I would miss it but I do! I went to a class party they had at the end of the year and it was a lot of fun! I will save that for another post too!!

Third, this is pretty old news, and I should have blogged about it along time ago, but here is comes now (two months late, haha). My brother got home from his mission in Seoul South Korea on April 3rd!He has been taller that me for a long time, but I swear he got a little taller while he was gone!! Not to long after he got home, he cooked us a Korean meal with food he bought at a Korean market downtown. It was pretty good actually, even though I was pretty nervous!! They eat whole pieces of garlic with rice, meat and kimchi on a huge lettuce leaf. I hate it all...... accept for the kimchi! You should see this stuff you guys!! It's in a clear jar and it looks awful! I was trying to be supportive, but I couldn't bring myself to eat it!!
He also brought back some really cool stuff and it was fun to look at all of it with him!! I got a really beautiful mirror, paper fan and a pearl ring!! I love all of it!! He also brought back an amazing Korean nativity set!! It's beautiful!!
It's also really interesting having him back home. It almost feels like he was never gone in some ways. It's also interesting how our relationship as brother and sister has changed. I remember telling my mom all the time when I was little that I hated him and she would tell me that one day I would love him and he would be my friend. I would NEVER have believed her then, but I do now!!

In work related news, I started working full time and am now part of our Indirect Lending Department. It's different..... and most of the days seem really really REALLY long, but I am hoping it will get better. There is a lot I wish I could say on here, but since my blog is not private, you just never know!! But most day I seriously just feel incompetent and lame. But what can you do..... you have to have money to pay bills, and I have LOTS of those!!
And the best thing that happened awhile ago that I should have blogged about but didn't is.... I GOT TO SEE WICKED FOR THE FIFTH TIME!!! It was just as wonderful the fifth time as it was the first!! I still get goosebumps when Elphaba runs out on stage for the first time and I still laugh when Glinda sings Popular!! I get chills during Defying Gravity and cry during For Good!! I LOVE it!! My next goal is to see it on Broadway!!

Well, I think that is about it for this post!! I promise there are a few more coming very soon and I promise to be better about commenting on your blogs!! I love getting on and reading what everyone is up too!!! :0)


Dani said...

omg...your bro is a MAN!!!!! its weird....i'm not sure i like it. i remember him being little and roller blading with my bro. damn dude.

i've never seen wicked!!! i know...i know....i'm horrible. i will one day.

hope your lung stuff works out! :o(

CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!!!!! i'm sorry i missed it :o(

Nicole said...

Yay! Now you can go get your lungs looked at ;)

And, you should post more often, but even if you only do it every once in awhile, I still love reading your posts. Because, you are hilarious. haha.

Amanda and Chad said...

I can't believe it, you finally posted! YAY! It sounds like you have been very busy. CONGRATS on graduating; I saw the picture of you & Lacey on her facebook and they were so cute! You both looked so happy! Keep us updated on your CT Scan!