Friday, March 12, 2010

Got An Itch

When I was little, I wasn't allergic to anything. And as weird as it sounds, I was totally envious of those that were!! I clearly remember sitting in 6th grade (Mrs. Jokie's class to be specific) and looking around the portable at all the other kids sneezing and rubbing their eyes. I was so jealous.... I wanted to have itchy eyes and a runny nose!! I was weird and would rub my eyes on purpose, just so they would get red, so I could look like everyone else!
I didn't realize how lucky I was back then! My wishes was granted........ just a few years late! I don't know exactly when it started (maybe it was when I had some weird allergic reaction to Fruit Loops that lasted a month and then went away), but I think it was right around the time I went to USU. I got the infamous red, itchy eyes and was constantly sneezing. But it was only when Winter turned to Spring and Summer faded to Fall.
Other than those short periods of times, I have had no other allergies. Well, again, something has changed and I am now apparently allergic to all kinds of things! This was my first allergic reaction:

The story?? I had gone in for a laser hair removal appointment and the girl went a little over board with the lotion. I came home and before bed, washed my face with my new cleanser. The next day my face felt weird. It felt hot and tight and just really really weird. But I didn't think much of it and got ready for the day. But mid-morning I couldn't take it!! My face was seriously on fire and itched like crazy!! It hurt so bad that I had to leave work! I came home, took a Benadryl, and laid on the couch with cold wash clothes all over my face. I figured it would go away by the next day...... but boy was I wrong!
I woke up and my eyes were swollen and so were my lips!! The rash had spread to my ears and neck too!! So I had to give in and go to the Insta-Care (p.s. this was around the time of the Swine Flu epidemic.... yeah, NOT a fun place to be just for an allergic reaction). I assumed it was all the lotion from my LHR appointment and just figured I would tell them NEVER to use it on my face again. I got a prescription and after a week, my skin was back to normal.
Two weeks later the same thing happened. Why? Because it wasn't the LHR lotion... it was my stupid new face wash!! SO, I do not use Olay products any more!!
So after all of that, I tried to be really careful about what I used on my face! Well, a few weeks ago I had another LHR appointment. The girl helping me suggested this gel stuff for my face that was supposed to help with acne and coloring and smoothness. I was sucked into her pitched and bought a bottle. I came home, used probably a half ounce and this is what I woke up to:

It was HORRIBLE!!! Even worse than my first allergic reaction!! Luckily I had some of my prescription left from my other time so I was able to skip a trip to the doctor!

So I took that crap back to my LHR place and you know what they told me?!?! THEY COULD NOT GIVE ME A REFUND!!! I was SO angry..... I am still angry..... and it's making me even more angry thinking about it!! How can they not give me a refund for something that caused me pain?? Yeah... I should probably move on before I have a melt down on my blog!!
Now it's time to back track a little bit..... around Christmas time, I had some kind of crazy reaction to our real Christmas tree. I had a rash up and down both of my arms!! I couldn't be down stairs for very long with out having an itch attack! After a few weeks I think my body adjusted because it all the sudden just went away.

But now, months later, my arms are freaking out again!!!

I have NO IDEA what it would be!! It seems to be the worst when I am at work.... I don't know.... It drives me crazy though!! I am sure I look like a crazy person, walking around, constantly scratching my arms!! And the worst part? My prescription is gone!! AHHHHH!!!!


Amanda and Chad said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Those rashes look like they hurt bad! That sucks. I would be so mad at the laser place for not giving you your money back.
That's so funny how you say you used to want allergies, because I was the same way! I remember that same thing in elementary school- it seemed like everyone BUT ME would have the itchy eyes and red face, so I would do the exact same thing as you & make my eyes red and always pretend to sneeze! ha ha!

Lara said...

Owwwwiiieee!!! I'm so sorry! (Oh and I want laser hair removal!)

And as for rubbing your eyes and wanting allergies when you were little= HILARIOUS.

I wanted glasses and lactose intolerance so that I wouldn't have to drink my milk at dinner. The 2nd wish came true, dang it. Had I realized that meant no cheese or chocolate I would've never let that thought enter my head.