Monday, March 19, 2012

Tag, Your It

I've been a bad blogger this month! And I really do have so many things to write about....
Like my vacation from three months ago! Or my awesome Valentines Day! And opening a time capsule!! 
But before I can post about those things, I was tagged!! And I must answer the challenge!! 
I was tagged by my wonderful blogging friend Kristen {She is hilarious by the way!! Her blog will make you laugh, and probably inspire you to become a runner at the same time}!! 
So here are the rules:
1- Post these rules
2- Post a photo of you and 11 things about your life
3- Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4- Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them
5- Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them 

As per rule two I posted this picture of me. I kept trying to take pictures of myself
{which can be really awkward}
and none of them were turning out!! No surprise there!!
So all you get are my eyes! 

11 Things About My Life
1- I wake up at pretty much the exact same time, Monday through Friday and go to work from 8:30 to 6:00. I feel like I live at there sometimes!! 
2- I have a goal to read 30 books this year.
3- I think that the best way to eat cake is in a bowl, covered in milk!!
4- I have recently become addicted to watching Toddlers & Tiara's...... It's ridiculous I know! But it's like watching a train wreck.... I just cant turn it off!! Some of those moms are CA-Raaaay-Zeee!! And the attitudes on some of those little girls just blow my mind!! 
5- My new favorite work out is the rowing machine! Especially playing the fish game!! 
6- I have a yellow accent wall in my bedroom. The other colors I used to decorate are black, white and grey. I am loving that color combo right now. 
7- I hate peas!! They have got to be one of the worst vegetables ever! 
8- I am horrible at sewing! But it's a skill that I really want to work on.
9- I used to think that the maxi dress/skirt was a horrible trend. But now I love them!! I have found a bunch of cute tutorials on Pinterest but, as number eight states, I cant make any of them!! 
10- I love to color..... and yes, I have a box a crayons and a stash of coloring books under my bed and break them out every so often.
11- I have a ridiculous amount a DVDs! I love buying and watching movies! And they are alphabetized on my shelf! 

1.  What was your first memory? I can remember going to the doctors to get my kindergarten shots. I remember the nurse showing me this little gadget and talking about how cool it was. And then all of the sudden it STABBED me!! It was awful!                                
2. What makes you laugh? The Kristen Bell spot on Ellen when she talks about sloths! And my friend Charmaine!! She can always make me laugh!!
3. What is the most challenging thing you've done in the last week? Work was crazy last week!! And making it to Friday was a serious challenge! We were extremely short handed and of course everyone came in for help all at once! I also had some really challenging loans that were hard to deal with!          
4. Why do you blog?  I blog because I am terrible about writing things down in my journal!    
5. Who inspires you? It may be cheesy but my parents inspire me!!  
6 What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten? Seaweed!! We had this really cool Korean guy staying with us awhile and one night he made us an authentic Korean meal. I couldn't handle to seaweed paper. Usually I can choke things down, but I just couldn't with this stuff! I had to go spit it out and rinse my mouth out!!      
7. Jeans or a skirt? This is a hard one. Jeans can be comfy.... but I really do love skirts! I think if I had more skirts that I really loved I would be wearing them all the time!!  
8. You're traveling to Europe, where do you go? Oh my gosh, where to even start!! Bavaria is very high on my list as is Austria!! Oh, and Ireland!! I want to kiss the Blarney Stone!! And I need to get back to Paris just so I can go to the top of the Eiffel Tower!!
9. If you could spend $500 on any one thing what would it be? Only one thing?!? Shoes!! I would probably spend it all on shoes!!
10. What's your favorite quote/ scripture/ saying? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! And it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed holder a black eye!"
11. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream/ fro-yo/ gelato/ frozen concoction? I LOVE French Silk ice cream by Kroger!! So so SO good!! And Coldstone had a brownie batter ice cream flavor once that was SO good!!

1- What's the most played song on your iPod/mp3 player?
2- Would you change your first name if you could? If so what would it be?
3- If you could be a fictional character who would you be?
4- What is the last book/TV show/movie that made you tear up?
5- What is your favorite holiday?
6- How many states have you visited?
7- If you could have a vacation home would it be a mountain cabin, beach house or big city condo?
8- What is your most prized possession?
9- Do you have a favorite ethnic food?
10- If Hollywood made a movie of your life, which actor/actress would you want to play you?
11- Do you have hidden talent?

Okay... now the tagging part. I am going to be a rule breaker and not officially tag anyone!! If you are bored and need a Monday afternoon blog post then you should definitely participate!! If you do decide to answer the questions, send me a link to your blog because I'd love to read your answers!!


Unknown said...

#3- must try
#5- what fish game?
#6- I think I might vomit

And last of all, thanks for playing and thanks for the mention!

Love you!

Oh and that nurse, how AWFUL!!!

Amanda and Chad said...

cake covered in milk? did i read that right? sounds totally gross LOL!! maybe i'll try it and see??
loved reading this post! you are so awesome!!

Tiffany said...

I have been wanting to make a maxi skirt too. We should get together and I can help you out. Just let me know when. :)

Anonymous said...
