It is the 100th day of the year!! And to celebrate this momentous day I have decided to share 100 things about myself that you may or may not already know!! It's your lucky day!! :0)
1- My favorite fruit is a jonagold apple
2- I dont like the color of my eyes
3- My secret dream is to be the voice of a Disney character in a movie
4- I HATE the sound a teeth being pulled. Even the baby ones that are already super loose!
5- I have this crazy pet peeve about windshield wipers...
6- I hardly ever hit the snooze button. Once my alarm goes off I'm up
7- There is a long list of "classic" movies that I've never seen...... Goonies, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Sleepless in Seattle, Footloose, the three original Star Wars.... the list goes on!
8- I own a replica of Hermione Granger's wand
9- I used to hate avocados, but not anymore
10- I've been pulled over for drunk driving
11- I sing in my car. Especially at night.... then I sing at the top of my lungs
12- I still listen to my N*SYNC cds sometimes
13- My most embarrassing moment was having my skirt fall off at a public event
14- I own more shoes than I've had birthdays
15- I took French in middle school
16- I hate wearing socks when I got to bed
17- I'd pick a pearl over a diamond any day
18- I do not enjoy the Shrek movies. But I do want to see Shrek the musical
19- In college I had an indoor water fight with my roommates and our neighbors upstairs
20- Some Disney movies that make me cry: The Rescuers, Up, Dumbo and Hercules
21- The worst job I ever had was at Discover Card
22- I can sing the Greek alphabet
23-The reason I can sing the Greek alphabet is because I was in a sorority my first year in college
24- The first time I rode in an airplane was when I was about 8 and my family went to California
25- When I was little my parents used to take us out to the airport to watch the planes take off and land. I thought it was the coolest thing ever!
26- I hate being sweaty! I absolutely hate the feeling of sweat running down my face
27- I LOVE to read {which I'm sure you already know} but in high school I think I only read about three of the assigned books we were ever given. For the rest I got by on Cliff Notes
28- When I was little my friends and I collected worms and kept them in butter containers as pets
29- I think the Nissan Cube is a VERY ugly car
30- I have fallen down the stairs at my work three times
31- I dreamed of being a figure skater when I was little. The first time I ever went ice skating though was when I was about 13. I was positive that I was going to be a natural and would be able to do a triple toe loop on my first day. I was sure I was going to go to the Olympics and bring home the gold. And the announcers would talk about all the girls and how they had started skating when they were two and I started at 13 and how amazing it was I was the world champion!! And then I realized..... I suck at skating!!!
32- I like to eat bologna on sandwiches
33- The original Power Rangers were the best! When I was younger, my best friend and I, and our brothers, would play Power Ranger after school. I was always the pink ranger
34- I wear glasses to see things that are far away
35- I've never seen Utah's delicate arch or the Bonneville salt flats and I've lived in this state my whole life
36- I wish I was a better tennis player! I took a tennis class at USU, but like most sports, I am terrible
37- One summer, I worked with my friend Amanda at a security company in Orem. We worked with all kinds of crazy/interesting/obnoxious people so we made up nicknames for all of them so that we could talk about them with out them knowing!!
38- I caught the bouquet at my friend Tiffany's wedding
39- The sheets on my bed are black
40- I try and try but I just don't love strawberries
41- I'm allergic to metal so sometimes wearing earrings can be rough
42- I think Full House is one of the greatest t.v. shows....... ever!!!
43- I had a bad nail biting habit when I was younger. Now I cant imagine not having fingernails
44- I think peeling potatoes might just be the worst job ever
45- At sixteen my dream car was a VW Jetta in jet black
46- I've jumped into a swimming pool while wearing a formal dress
47- Flying on airplanes makes me nervous
48- I dont like Coke or Pepsi..... Unless there is cherry flavoring involved
49- My first iPod was pink.
50- Poppies are my new favorite flower
51- I have so many great memories of playing night games with all the kids on my street! Murder in the graveyard, Mannequin, Kick the can, Colored eggs, and Order in the court... just to name a few
52- I played machine pitch baseball for a couple of year. Once I got hit right in the eye with one of those stupid yellow balls
52- I remember going swimming at the West Jordan pool so many times during the summer. And it was pretty traditional to go to Arctic Circle afterward for a twist cone. To this day I still have the urge for ice cream after swimming
53- In high school I was in two musicals: Oklahoma and Annie Get Your Gun
54- I was probably around 9 or 10 when I was stung on the back by a hornet three times before my cousin killed it with a shovel
55- I think Snickers bars are gross
56- It's a toss up between the monkeys, otters and penguins for my favorite animal
57- Blue raspberry Slurpees are my favorite but it seems like they hardly ever have that flavor! So wild cherry is a good back up
58- I currently own three copies of the Twilight book and two copies of Breaking Dawn
59- I used to collect porcelain dolls when I was little
60- I was ridiculously obsessed with Hanson when I was in middle school! I'm talking poster plastering my walls obsessed
61- I have seen the musical Wicked six times and have tickets to see it a seventh time this year
62- My family used to go to Lake Powell every summer when I was younger
63- I hate pulling into a parking space when there are cars occupying the spaces on both sides
64- For my sixth birthday I got the coolest pink Barbie watch! I couldn't wait to wear it to school the next day to show it off!! At recess we were playing on the bars and I didn't want it to get ruined so, being the genius six year old that I was, the logical solution was the bury it in the rocks and then dig it back up when recess ended. Of course I forgot to get it out of the rocks when recess was over. I remember going back to the playground with my dad after school and digging through the rocks for a long time looking for my beloved watch. Needless to say it was not there. And I haven't been a watch wearer since!
65- I've always thought it would be cool to have a pet seahorse
66- Edward Scissorhands FREAKED me out when I was little. I remember having a nightmare about him and not being able to scream as he came after me with his creepy hands!
67- I used to be a sleepwalker
68- The Colossus at Lagoon used to terrify me. Really any roller coaster that went upside down scared me to death!
69- But now I LOVE roller coasters!! Wicked at Lagoon is awesome!! And the X-Men ride at Six Flags was crazy!! And the Rockin Roller Coaster and Expedition Everest at DisneyWorld are fantastic
70- I get car sick easily
71- In high school I had one of those mechanical babies that you had to carry around for a weekend and stick the keys in the back. We had to pick names for them and I chose Hallie
72- I fell off a small cliff inside an underground cave while I was on vacation with my family in St George and cut my legs up pretty badly on the lava rock
73- I always wanted to lived in a high rise condo in a big city when I grew up. I wanted to be right in the middle of everything!
74- When my cousins and I were younger we used to "spy" on the adults. One of us would sit at the top of the stairs with a paper and pencil and would "write down" all the super secret and fantastic things our parents were talking about. The writer would then go back downstairs and spill the beans to everyone else
75- I have a ridiculous love for Babybel cheese! Especially the white cheddar flavor
76- I don't LOL in texts.... I Haha!
77- I got my first cell phone when I was 18 and away at college
78- I've been to True Aggie's night ,but I am not a True Aggie
79- I never buy the same shampoo/conditioner back to back. I'll have Dove, and then I'll switch to Herbal Essence, then to Tressemme and then start the rotation over again
80- My first, and only boyfriend, was Ross H in the first grade. Wonder what ever happened to that kid....
81- In 4th grade we had a Awe Utah pageant and I got to be Miss Morgan County
82- My favorite Scentsy smell is Cashmere
83- I think I have almost every card {birthday, thank you, congrats, get well, etc} I've ever been given
84- I've seen a butterfly emerge from its cocoon
85- If I could, I would own a dessert cafe where I'd get to serve people yummy treats all day long
86- I've seen the St Louis Arch.... but only from the air
87- Before I turned 16, I went on a Lake Powell trip with my cousins family. I had to get a special wave runner license so I could use the machines without having an adult with me at all times. Long story short, the license got lost of the very first day, within the first hour of being out on the wave runners. I thought for sure I was going to get pulled over and ticketed by the lake police but luckily I did not!! Coolest part..... some awesome guy from AZ found my license floating in the water and mailed it back to me a few months later!
88- I have a cursive CTR ring
89- I used to be a big time gum chewer, especially in middle school! Now I dont really like it and never buy it for myself
90- I donated 9 inches of my hair once to Pantene Beautiful Lengths
91- If I could be any fictional character I would probably be Elizabeth Bennett
92- I've never lived through and earthquake but the thought of them freaks me out. I HATE it when the talk about Utah's "big one." Why do we HAVE to have a big one? Any time I hear anyone on the news talking about it, I HAVE to change the channel!
93- The first major trip I ever went on without my parents was when I went to San Francisco for choir tour
94- When I was really little I was part of a singing group of kids call The Sunshine Generation! I had the cutest yellow and orange outfit!!
95- I always have The Today show on in the morning while I'm getting ready
96- When I was younger I had a really hard time spelling my middle name. I always transposed the letters
97- I like things to be alphabetized
98- I got lost in Paris while I was there. I was all alone and seriously freaked out! I was asking everyone for directions to the opera house and one creepy Parisian Egyptian offered to give me a ride there. Yeah.... I'm sure he would have taken me right to the opera house.......
Thank goodness for Utah's AWESOME grid system!!! I dont think I every appreciated it until after that moment!!
99-I REALLY love cherry Poptarts
100- I can't wink
6 years ago
1 comment:
such a good idea! i read all 100 of them. i need to make a list like this- thanks for the idea!
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