Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Reads

I LOVE to read!! I always have!! When ever you have to fill out those question things about yourself and they want to know what you hobbies are, reading is always at the top of my list! I am so grateful for parents and teachers who instilled this love in me!! Although sometimes I'm sure this back fires on my mom!! I will get really into a book and cant stop until I have finished the last page!! When that happens, I am not much help!!! SORRY Mom!!! It can also be bad for me!! There have been MANY nights of staying up until 2 a.m. just to finish a book!!
But I LOVE it and wouldn't ever give up my favorite hobby!!! You might also think it is weird that my second favorite smell in the whole entire world is the inside of a Barnes and Noble bookstore!! Ahh, the smell of new books!! I was actually there the other day and I heard a girls talking about getting a Nook or Kindle. Now don't get me know, I would LOVE to own one of those some day, but this girl said something that I thought was so true (for me any way). She said "why would you get one of those? Then you wouldn't be able to come to the store to smell the books!" Well said girl I don't even know!!! =0)

This month I have done quite a bit of reading!! That is a MAJOR plus with being done with school! I can read what I want, whenever I want!! The books I have read this month have been great so I thought I would share them with you!!

The first book is:

A friend at work told me about this series and I am SO glad she did!! This book was awesome!! It takes place in the future.... kind of a post-apocalyptic society. The government has risen up (called The Capitol) and they what used to be North America into 13 Districts. Each District is responsible for something (electronics, agriculture, mining, etc.) and the people in these Districts are basically starving. At one point there was a rebellion and after lots of fighting, District 13 was completely destroyed! To prove their power, the Capitol holds and the annual Hunger Games for the remaining Districts. One boy and one girls between the ages of 12 and 18 are chosen from each District to fight to the death. Who ever wins, wins an entire year supply of food and provisions for their District along with a life time of money, food and support for for their family .

It's amazing!! It's not very long either, and once you have read the first few chapters it is hard to put down!!!

The second book in the trilogy is:

I will not tell you what happens in this one!! I don't want to ruin the first one for you!! But it is just as good, if not better that The Hunger Games! The final book in the series is called Mockingjay! It does come out until August and I am dying to know what happens. So it could be a long 57 days waiting for it to come out!!! (P.S. The Hunger Games is going to be made into a movie!! Read the book before you see the movie!!!! )

The next book I read was Eclipse! I know, I know.................. I have already read it over 5 times.......... BUT, the movie is coming out so I HAD too!!!!!! =0) It's just as good this time and it was the first time!!!

The last book I read was also a Stephenie Meyer book, and if you are a Twilight fan, it is a must read!!

This book is SO short and can probably be read in about a day (it's only 178 pages) and it is so worth it!! It's part of the story Eclipse told from the vampire Bree's POV. It gives you more insight on Victoria and Riley and even about the Volturi!! And if you were like me and felt bad about how things turned out for Bree in the end, this book will only amplify those feelings!! But like I said............... it's very good and worth the read!!

So now I need to know what to read next!! Have you read anything good lately?? I'm thinking about reading the Percy Jackson series!! I have always been a fan of Greek mythology!!!! If you have read them, let me know what you thought!

Happy Reading!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

I love reading too! I have finally gotten back into it the past few months. I swear it had been years since I just read a book for fun. Now, I'm obsessed with getting books from the library and reading them. I've read Hunger Games and can't wait for the 3rd one.. and I really should re-read Eclipse again because I can't remember a dang thing that happened in it. But pretty sure I'm gonna see the movie before I have time to read it!