Saturday, July 28, 2012

Easter In The Sun

Easter weekend my family my parents, my sister, my sisters friend Katie, and I went to St George to spend a couple of days in the sun and to help my Grandma move back up to Riverton. It was a really nice little getaway and we were able to squeeze in a bunch of fun stuff!! 

We went to a bowling alley and played two games.

This was after my SECOND strike.... IN A ROW!!! 
That NEVER happens to me!!
I'm typically a horrible bowler! 
But guess what....
I WON!!!! 

After bowling my dad taught me how to play pool! 

I learned that I am not a very good pool player either!! 

One morning while Kaylee and Kaite were shopping my parents
and I walked around the temple. I was bummed my eyes were
closed in the picture with my mom!! Usually she is the one with
her eyes closed! 

On Saturday morning we woke up to an Easter colander put together
by my grandma!! I thought it was really sweet of her!! 
She also French braided my hair for me! 

On our way home we stopped at Sand Hollow to spend some time playing on
the sand dunes!! 

We got stuck in the sand A LOT!! 

This time was pretty bad!! Luckily some fellow four wheelers stopped to
help my dad get it out!! 

And while we waited for the four wheeler to be dug out, we got to enjoy
the beautiful view!! I love the orange sand and the super blue lake!! 

At one point I was out on the four wheeler by myself and I ended up
stuck not once, but TWICE!! The first time was pretty scary because 
I was out in an area alone.....
There were no other people near me and I was worried I was going
to get lost in the dunes!! I was on my hands and knees digging the back wheels
Crossing my fingers I wouldn't dig up a scorpion or snake!! 

I was able to get out though! Phew!! 
And then spent at least 20 minutes trying to shake off all the sand!! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Miss Him

Came across these pictures the other day {Please excuse how horrid I look in them}

I still miss my pretty kitty......
Sometimes when I'm at my parents I expect to be able to walk into the garage and find him lounging around or rolling around on the driveway.
I wish our pets could live as long as we do.....
I miss brushing his fur and cuddling him....
I miss my pretty kitty.....

Thursday, July 26, 2012


A few months ago my moms side of the family was over at my parents house for a get together. My cousin Kandi was there with her cute little boy Jayden.
Jayden loved to look at my brother's dog, Bandit {whom Jayden called "Boundit"} but at first didn't want to get to close to him. As the afternoon went on his bravery increased.... mostly because he fed him TONS of Milkbones!

At one point we were all sitting in the basement and my sister came in and said that she didn't do it and we needed to come outside and see something. This is what we came out to:

Jayden had lovingly picked my moms flowers to feed to "Boundit", he's a strong little guy and was able to pull them up bulb, roots and all!!

It was so hilarious!! He kept telling "Boundit" to eat them, that they were for him.... He was so confused as to why "Boundit" wasn't as happy with the flowers as he was with the Milkbones!!!

Love that silly little boy and that cute puppy dog!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Piece of Cake

I've always wanted to take a cake decorating class, so when my cousin Michelle asked if I would be interested in taking one last March my answer was heck yes!! I had so much fun going to class every Wednesday night with Michelle and her sister in law Jen!

Week 1- We worked on sugar cookies, using some basic tips. I learned how to prepare a piping bag and how to make good decorating frosting!

Week 2- We learned how to cut our cakes and fill them. The final product was my favorite of the whole class.... meet Frederico the fish!

Week 3- This week we worked on cupcakes! I dont have a round cupcake pan so mine were square!!

Week 4- Graduation week!! And our final cakes! We learned how to make ribbon roses which was MUCH harder than I thought!! I had so many mishaps with this cake!! I had originally planned on making it a four layered cake but I couldnt get the first cake out of the pan! I bumped the cake a lot as I was making it too which didnt help frosting!! And I was awful at the roses!! But it was still fun and I would love to take class two!

After the class was over, as we were cleaning everything up, I noticed that my cake {which remember, I had already had SO many troubles with} started to bubble up and implode!! Jeez!! What a crazy cake this turned out to be!!

The graduates!! I had so much fun with these ladies!! Especially our last two weeks of class when we went to Applebee's after class!! I would definitely do it again!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quote Wall Monday