Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bring On The Rain

Minus the thunder and lightning!! It HATE those stupid loud booms and flashes of light!! I've hated them since I was little!! I think I can remember the exact moment I became terrified of loud storms!!

I was probably between 4 and 6 years old. There was crazy storm going and I was at home with my little brother, my dad and my grandma was over. The thunder was so loud it was shaking the house and windows!! It was horrible!! But the worst moment was when a bolt of lightning struck close enough that it set our fire alarm off!! I have to put in a little note here that I also HATE the sound of the fire alarm!!

So what did my little 5 year old brain tell me to do?? Get the crap out of the burning house!! I remember throwing open the door and running out into the pouring rain and standing in the middle of the yard in the down pour!! The next thing I remember is my grandma standing in the doorway yelling for me to come back in saying that I was going to get hit by lighting and I was going to get hurt!!

Now what is a 5 year old supposed to do?? Go back in the house, that training has taught me is sure to burn down any second because the fire alarm is blaring like crazy? Or do I stay out in the sheets of rain and get zapped???

I don't remember how I ended up back inside (it was probably partially against my will) but I remember sitting in the kitchen with my dad, sobbing and being so scared!! The storm finally started to pass, and after being assured the house was not on fire, I sort of relaxed. I remember looking out the window and my dad pointing our the old Murray smoke stacks. They, for some really weird reason, were a big comfort to me!!

Anyway, I am not a huge fan of spring/summer storms as they are usually accompanied by thunder and lightning!! But we have been getting TONS of crazy rain lately!! I haven't heard any thunder though.... until this morning!!
But I have been thinking a lot about the rain!

Do you remember being little and running crazy through the rain?? I do!! During those storms, when thunder and lightning were not present, I remember spending long periods of time out in the rain! I didn't care if I was wet, and I didn't care if my hair got ruined!! The more soaked I was, the better!!

I thought about that yesterday and I ran to my car because a torrent rain started as soon as I walked out the door!! I was mad my book was getting wet and I was not to thrilled my hair was sopping wet!! But once I got in the car and started driving home, I saw a couple of kids jumping on the trampoline and totally enjoying every moment of the storm!!

It made me kind of miss those days, when I really didn't care! So I guess for this last month of spring, bring on the rain!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

I love the rain too.. but I LOVE the thunder & lighting that goes along with it.
I would really like some nice, warm SUNSHINE though right now instead of rain!