Monday, May 3, 2010


First I have to say!!!! This is my 100th blog post, wahoo!!! Man it took me a long time to get here!! And if I remember right, I had a goal of getting to 100 my the end of 2009!! Geez I am a lame blogger!!! Maybe this will be the month I am more consistent!!
Do you ever read NieNie? I was catching up on her blog the other day and noticed a 1000th blog post entry!! That's a lot of blogging!!! I'll probably get there one day..... when I'm fifty!! Haha!!
And now that it is a new month I should do a weight update!!! Drum roll please.......... I am now:

pounds lighter!!! Actually I am exactly 10 pounds lighter that I was last month around this time!! I still don't see a ton a difference.... well, I guess that is not exactly true. That is where my pant story comes in. Some of my pants have started to feel kind of big. So rather than going on a fun shopping spree (believe me, it took a lot of self control) I decided it would be cheaper, and lighter on my wallet to just have the pants taken in. So I went to a store in the mall (DO NOT GO THERE PEOPLE) with a bag of about 6 pairs of pants. I had planned on having all of them altered but at the last minute I decided I should probably try 2 pairs first and if I liked how they turned out I would take the others back. It was a dang good thing I only did two pairs...... do you want to know how much it cost????

That's right!! A little over $50 to have TWO pairs of pants taken in!! I was livid!! The lady had a very strong accent and I thought she was saying $15!! I about died after she ran my card and handed me my receipt!! FIFTY DOLLARS!! I could have bought two brand new pairs of pants for that!! Three if I used my Old Navy stuff and save bag!!! I'm STILL angry about it!! Geez!! I really just need to get over it!! I have learned my lesson and WILL NOT go back there again!! I guess the good thing is that it give me an excuse to just get new clothes!! Haha!!

So my weight loss thing has been going on for 3 months. When I started I decided that I was going to see where I was at the end of April and reevaluate from there!! I have done just that!! My new goal is 26 pounds by the middle of July!! Probably kind of crazy, I know...... and I might be cutting it close, but I am pretty motivated!! I have something to picture when I get discouraged or want to be lazy!! If I can make it, I will be a little over half way to my goal!! How dang awesome would that be???


Nicole said...

Yay! I am sooo excited for you! Good job!!

Amanda and Chad said...

You, my friend, are AMAZING! That is awesome! I'm a little jealous, I've been struggling with a few extra pounds lately that I cannot seem to lose, but now I'm being selfish and talking about me and this about YOU! SO GREAT JOB!
Haha, I laughed so hard about that ladies accent and you thought she said $15. That is hilarious! I would have been pretty upset too though.