Friday, May 28, 2010

Flashback Friday

A few weeks ago I had a big scare with my computer!! It was on and running fine before dinner, so I shut it off and put it in my room. But later that night when I tried to turn it back on it did absolutely nothing! I couldn't get it to come on at all! Needless to say I had a mini panic attack!! All I could think about was the hundreds of pictures that I had on my hard drive that I assumed were lost forever!!
My wonderful Dad figured out what was wrong and the next day I was able to bring everything up as usual. THANK GOODNESS!! But I was so nervous that it would die again and that it wouldn't come back the next time! So the next afternoon I spent about 5 hours copying all of my pictures onto CDs. I doubled did everything just in case!! I figure I will keep one set of the CDs at my house and then I will take the other set to my safe deposit box at the credit union! That way if there is every a fire or something weird at my house, I will have copies in another place!! Isn't technology awesome!!
It was kind of fun going through all the pictures!! I found a lot of really random stuff in my MISC Picture folder! It also reminded me of some things I never blogged about!! So I thought for the next couple of weeks I would do a Flashback Friday where I go back through and write about some of the things that I missed!!!
This is really more for myself than anything! Sorry!!! But I love using my blog as a journal and I want to remember this stuff!!!

So here it goes: Flashback Friday #1

In March I got to have a Girls Afternoon with some of my greatest friends!! It was SO much fun getting together and catching up!! I have been friends with these girls forever!! I have knows most of them for my entire life! After we all graduated we all kind of went our separate ways. We kept in touch through emails and texts and every so often we would all be home on the same weekends. And then of course most of them got married and started families of their own and that made it a little harder to keep in touch because everyone was so busy!!

But like I said, in March we all made time to get together!! One of them even had to drive 2 hours to meet up with us (you're awesome Amanda). We went to the Desert Star Playhouse to see Twi-Lite which was so hilarious!! We got to eat popcorn, yummy pizza and delicious cheese bread!!
I had so much fun with these girls and hope that we can do it again soon!! THANKS Amanda, Rachel, Amber, Lindsay and Emily!! You guys are the best!!

P.S. We missed you LACEY!!!! We all need to get together soon!!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

AWESOME! That was such a fun day! We really do need to get together more often...
I still need to blog about this too! I have had it in my drafts forever, just have never finisheD!