Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 Days Had September

I for one cannot believe that today is the last day of the month!! Seriously, where did it go?? The days have seemed to drag on and on {because work has been so slow} but now we are at the end of the month and I have no idea what I did with the last 29 days!
I guess I did move........... and had a Labor Day BBQ............ and went boating................... and made some fun fall crafts............ I guess I need to blog about that stuff!
But for now, I will just post some pictures of my favorite fall color to celebrate this final day of September!!


Get ready for my favorite month!! {OCTOBER}!!!!

P.S. So, I have seen a lot of people doing these 30 day posting thing on their blogs {some of them have gone up to 50}!! They have a different question for every day of the week!! These posts are not all the same.... some people's seem to be more serious, others are more getting to know you type questions, and some had just plain funny post!
Things like that are good for me because it give me ideas of things to write about! So, you all know how {fantastic and diligent} I am about blogging!! I thought what I would do is take 15 post ideas from other peoples blogs {yes, I am totally copying you people} and post them throughout the month of October..... I thought about trying to do all 30 days...... but I am fairly certain that would NOT happen!! Are you excited about this?!?! You should be!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey!! I was going to do that too!