Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh Nuts!

I used to think I hated peanut butter! WHAT was I thinking?!? Haha! Actually, sometime I still wish I didn't like the stuff because it can be WAY to addicting!! Especially when mixed with chocolate!! I am not afraid to dip an Oreo is peanut butter!! And Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (especially the holiday kind).... ummm, FANTASTIC!! But they are SO fattening (probably why they taste so delicious)!!
So one of my new roommates told me about this stuff: It is called almond butter!! Looks pretty gross, huh?!?! She got a container of it out of her cupboard and this first thing I thought was "Oh my gosh that stuff looks nasty!!" Now of course, because she is my new roommate, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I told her it looked pretty good! She told me that I was more than welcome to try it and my next thought was "There is NO WAY on earth I am eating that stuff!!" She told me it might be something I had to get used to and that the texture was kind of interesting............ but she is a fellow Reese's lover too and she said she could eat almond butter by the spoonful now! I told her I would have to try some....... sometime........ and NEVER planned on tasting it! Well, I went grocery shopping that day and found a little packet of Justin's Almond Butter for a $1.00 (yeah.... I thought that was a good price too......... until I went to another store and found the same stupid packet for .59) and thought, what the heck, I might as well try it for a dollar!

The next day before I work I was in a big hurry! I needed something fast and easy for breakfast! So I got out my fun little packet of almond butter, grab these from the fridge:

And then I sliced up one of these:

I put it all together to make a little sandwich!! Like I said, I was in a hurry so I didn't even have time to taste it before I left the house! I was still not sure about it even as I was driving to work! I was prepared to taste something truly nasty and was certain I was going to end up throwing the whole thing away!! So I was SHOCKED when I found that I really kind of liked it!! My roommate was right about it having an interesting texture, but it really wasn't that bad (trust me! I am a total texture eater, and if it has a weird texture, I usually will not eat it)!! In fact, I had another almond butter sandwich the next day with sliced up strawberries (another giant food step for me)!!

So, the moral of this story?? You should totally go nuts and try some almond butter the next time you are craving a PB&J sandwich!! You can buy the cute little packet at Harmon's for only .59 (or you could go to Target and pay $1.00)!!! It really is pretty good and will be a decent substitute for the peanut kind!!!

P.S. As good as it is............. I don't think I will be dipping my Oreo's in it any time soon!! Only the real stuff for that indulgence!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

never tried it.. never even heard of it! but, maybe now you've convinced me to go find some and have a little taste. I don't know though, because I'm a huge peanut butter fan like you!