Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Little Plant That Could

At work my bosses office is right above mine. Many times 
when I need to take something too her or talk to her I take 
a "shortcut" to her office.
My shortcut? Walking out the fire escape door that 
leads outside and
walking up the concrete stairs. Lazy.... probably. 

This past spring I saw something cool on one of my 
little shortcuts up the

This little plant started growing out of the dead fall leaves!! 
I thought it was pretty cool that it spread its roots on concrete
and cheered it on every time I went outside. 

It did pretty well for not growing in dirt. And then our landscaping guy came and
cleaned out the stairwell!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

i love that you took the time to notice that little plant. darn maintenance guys!