Okay, so I just got on the internet to check my email and what do I see on the MSN homepage??? A new clip from Twilight!! Wahoo!! It seriously made my day!!
It's really short but it's still awesome!! I have been trying to find a way to post a link or something, but it's just not working for me (yeah... I am totally technologically challenged... sad I know).
So if you got to MSN, go into the videos section and click on movies. You should be able to find it in there somewhere! If you have watched the newest trailer, there is part where Bella knocks an apple off the counter and Edward (****sigh****) catches it is his hands (totally awesome referance to the books amazing cover). It's an extension of that scene.
Like I said, short and sweet, but still so much fun to watch!!
6 years ago
Thanks for keeping me updated on all the Twilight news! I am so excited for the movie.. it better be soooo good because I have some pretty high expectations for it!
I am so excited for it!! I have my ticket and I cant wait to see it on opening night!! It sure as heck better be good or I might flip out right there in the movie theater!! Haha!!
Thanks for the updates! :)
lol you are HARD CORE twilight girl!!! jeez its all over ur blog!!!
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