I hate bugs!
I hate bugs of all kinds, shapes and sizes! They are at their worst when they are in the house! Yuck!
I feel like we have bugs really bad this summer at my house. Maybe because of all the darn rain and moisture we got during the first half of the year. Earwigs, spiders, box elder bugs, beetles...... GROSS!! I hate it! I hate it a lot!!
I had NO IDEA what the heck this kind of bug even was! And it was HUGE!! I am not kidding about this! I usually over exaggerate the size of the bugs I come in contact with but this sucker really was massive! Like the size of a walnut!!
After my initial scare I realized I had no reason to fear! I had my handy dandy bug sprayer and I could shoot that thing right of the wall no problem.
I spray.... and sprayed..... and sprayed some more. All the while I kept hearing some weird noise. THE BUG WOULD NOT DIE!! And if that wasn't bad enough..... IT WAS HISSING AT ME!! Yes, hissing!! It was awful! A bug the size of Rhode Island, hanging out on the side of my house that was impervious to my bug killer! It has never let me down before..... what was going on here! I ran inside and grabbed a different bottle of bug spray {the kind you use when little bugs are eating the leaves on your flowers... it was worth a shot right?} and sprayed again. All I got was more hissing!! It didn't even phase it. To make a long story short I have NO IDEA where the bug {which I now know is called a Watermelon Beetle or 10 Striped June Bug} ended up and I am more than a little freaked out about that!! Lets just say I never want to see one ever again!!
Oh my amanda!!! I would of totally freaked out. You are so brave for trying to kill it. Ewww
you.are.awesome! how scary! i hate any kind of bugs too!
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