Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Testing Testing

So I got on YouTube and searched Twilight (I know, I know! I'm sorry people, but it is seriously like an addiction for me!!!) and found some of the TV spots of the Twilight trailer. I am trying to figure out how to post video right in my blog, so here's to hoping it works!

AHHHHHHH!!! IT WORKED, IT WORKED, IT WORKED!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this!! I had to do some crazy things to get it to work, but FINALLY!!! WAHOO!!

THANKS again Lindsay!! You are awesome!!


Amanda and Chad said...

Thanks for all the twilight updates... keep them coming, I get all my info from you!!
It was good to see you last night. I had fun talking to you!
And, I will do your Memory thing one day I promise.. i just have to get time to first!

Linds said...

yaaaaahoooo! You did it! I knew you could! :)