Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For The 3rd Day of Christmas

I love the spirit that music can bring!! I love that certain songs can cheer us up or help us to feel reverent! I am one of those crazy people that start listening to Christmas music shortly after Halloween!! I know, I know.... some of you are probably thinking I am so crazy!! But this season just flies by to quick! And as much as I like Thanksgiving, to me once Halloween is over, it's never to soon to get into the Christmas spirit!!

A few years ago I was the Primary chorister! I was in charge of teaching all the kiddos songs for the Primary program that came in the Fall! But once that was over I was always so excited to teach them a good Christmas song!! This one has always been one of my favorites {even all those long years ago when I was a Primary kid myself}!!

This Is The Season

This is the season beloved of the year.
Sing a rhyme, Christmas time soon will be here!
Tell the true story of Jesus' birth,
When as a baby he came to the earth!

This is the new star, shinning so bright,
Lighting the world on that first Christmas night.
This is the angel, proclaiming the birth.
Singing Hosanna and peace on the earth!
The is the stable, shelter so bare.
Cattle and oxen first welcomed him there!
This the the manger, sweet hay for a bed,
 Waiting for Jesus to cradle his head!

These are the shepherds, humble and mind.
Hast'ning to worship the heavenly child!
These are the wise men who followed the star.
Frankincense, gold and myrrh brought from afar!


See the sweet mother, Mary so fair!
Joseph who guided the donkey with care.

See the dear baby of Bethlehem
Little lord Jesus the Savior of men!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

how come i don't know this song?? hmmm.. i'll have to look it up with the music.. maybe then i'll recognize it. i love the "picture a christmas" primary song. i've taught paislee all the words and it is the SWEETEST thing to listen to her sing it.. especially when she just starts singing it out of nowhere... brings tears to my eyes every time!