Here is my annual, yearly post!!! Is it lame to say that I have been looking forward to this post since July??
MY 2010...
1.What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? Moved out of my parents house!
2.Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for next year? I don't think I made resolutions last year!! I am always HORRIBLE about keeping them, so rather than having to say what a failure I was, I didn't make any!!
As far as making them...... I think I am actually going to try to be good about it this year!! I have a small list in my head!! Maybe you will see them later!!
3.Did anyone close to you give birth? Not this year {that I can remember any way. SO SORRY if you did and I didn't mention it}! Next year should be interesting though!! I swear that almost every married person I know is pregnant right now!!
4.Did anyone close to you die? No! And just like last year I am SO grateful!!
5.What countries did you visit? I was hoping to have a really awesome answer to this question this year {even if I just said Canada}. But sadly, it's the same as last year. None =0(
6.What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? I'm just going to say it..... more money!
7.What date from 2010 will remain etched in your memory, and why? The day my brother married my wonderful sister-in-law!! SO glad Hayley is part of our family!!
8.What was your biggest achievement of the year? Losing 40 pounds between February and August!!
9.What was your biggest failure? Gaining back some of the stupid weight that I lost during the first half of the year!!
10.Did you suffer illness or injury? Nothing at all really, aside from the occasional migraine!!!
11.What was the best thing you bought? Cardigans!! I have a new found love for them!!
12.Whose behavior merited celebration? My friend Megan at work! She mailed me a booked for my birthday.... while I was in California!! How awesome is she?!?!
13.Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? The CEO of BP oil!!
14.Where did most of your money go? Rent.... car payment.... student loans.... basically it all went to other people!!!
15.What did you get really, really, really excited about? I got really excited about Eclipse, which came out in the summer!! And then I was really excited for Harry Potter in the fall!! I was also really excited about the book Mockingjay!!
16.What song will always remind you of 2010? Secrets by One Republic!! Love, love LOVE this song!! The cello in the intro!! Ahh!! Just beautiful!!!
17.Compared to this time last year, are you:
i.happier or sadder? About the same!
ii.thinner or fatter? For the first time EVER I can say thinner!!! Even if its not by very much!
iii.richer or poorer? Poorer
18.What do you wish you'd done more of? Saved my money!
19.What do you wish you'd done less of? Eat less holiday Reeses {between Halloween and Christmas it has been bad news}!!
20.How will you be spending The New Year? Not 100% sure yet!! I am pretty sure I am hanging out with my friend Miranda for a night of movies!! And then New Years day will be spent playing Just Dance 2 on the Wii and Rock Band on the XBox!
22.Did you fall in love in 2010? Same as last year.... nope!
23.How many one-night stands? Never!
24.What was your favorite TV program? My favorite show {Heroes} was cancelled!! REALLY bummed about that. Now that it is gone, I don't really have anything that is a favorite. I do like Criminal Minds..... and I like to watch The Nanny re-runs!
25.Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Nope, no one new!! Just the same on VERY strongly dislikes!
26.What was the best book you read? The Hunger Games series!!! You should read it!!
27.What was your greatest musical discovery? Steven Sharp Nelson and his cello!!
28.What did you want and get? Wanted to go to Disneyland for my birthday and I got it!! I wanted to switch my desk around at work so I wasn't sitting in the corner all day long and I did that too!!
29.What did you want and not get? I always want the government to just say "Oh Amanda.. you are so great.... how about we just forgive all your student loans?!?!"
This was not my year for that!
30.What was your favorite film of this year? There is no way I can pick just one!! How To Train Your Dragon was SO cute!! Letters To Juliet!! Prince of Perisa! Toy Story 3!! Inception!! Life As We Know It!! And I cant leave out Eclipse and HP 7!!!
31.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? It was my golden birthday this year!! I turned 25 on the 25th!! And I just realized that I never posted exactly what I did on my actual birthday!! I will have to that because it was FANTASTIC!!! But long story short, I got to go to Disneyland on my birthday! This may sound totally cheesy but it was a dream come true!! I got to eat a delicious lunch with friends, had cupcakes and saw a great show! Ahh! It was awesome!! Seriously.... post coming soon!!
32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having lots of money in my bank account and losing another 30 pounds!
33.How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? I still like to get dressed up!! I like skirts and jewelry and scarves and cardigans!!!! And I have become a HUGE fan of Toms!
34.What kept you sane? I never really know an answer to this question!! Probably venting all my lame problems to my mom!!
35.Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Have you seen Tron?? If you have, I probably don't need to say anything else!! But if you haven't...... Garrett Hedlund!!! Ahh!!! SO good looking!!!
36.What political issue stirred you the most? All the stupid mid-term election crap!! Remember my post about it?!?! All the mud slinging and name calling!!! Politics drive me crazy!!
37.Who did you miss? I miss my family a lot....... it's weird living away from home and not seeing them every day!
38.Who are your favorite people that you met this year? My sister-in-law Hayley!!
39. Quote a song lyric that accurately summarizes this year.“I just haven't met you yet!"
6 years ago
I love this post Amanda!! Did you come up with the questions yourself?
i love it when you do these posts!! yay! so fun to read about your year.
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