Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{Day 13}

I know this day is not over yet but I am answering this questions now!! Mostly because there is only one meal left today!!

{What did you eat today?}

I tried something new!!
And it wasn't that awesome! I had the muffin kind {I think it was Cinnamon Strudel flavor} and it wasn't awful........... but it was pretty bland tasting!! So I am pretty sure that on the next packet, I am going to have to add a little big of brown sugar or a Splenda packet!

I needed something to warm me up!!
I {LOVE} this soup!! I used to think I hated spinach until I tried this soup!!

I am pretty much addicted to these right now!
It takes lots of self control not to buy a whole bag and pig out!! I only let myself buy one once or twice a week when I have to run into the store for something!! Most of the time I have to keep telling myself "You DO NOT need to go down the Halloween candy isle...." just so I avoid the temptation!!

Hasn't happened yet!! But I know what I am going to eat!! I am having left over Broccoli/Cauliflower/Chicken casserole!! Mmmmmm!! {THANK YOU} to my wonderful mom for sending it home with me!!

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

i'm sooooo addicted to those dang reese's too! i can't help it.. i like to freeze mine and then eat 5 or maybe even 10 all in one sitting. ahh! so not good for me. i could kill reese's for making them!